
As the language of humanity, art tells stories of inspiration, hope, and healing even as it acknowledges the hurt and despair that afflicts us all.

Episode 12: Poet and Activist, Words and Names, Marks and Meaning: Jim Lavilla-Havelin
Poetry, Literature A Studio Aesculapius Podcast Poetry, Literature A Studio Aesculapius Podcast

Episode 12: Poet and Activist, Words and Names, Marks and Meaning: Jim Lavilla-Havelin

Jim Lavilla-Havelin has written six collections of poetry, with several more in the works. His work has been anthologized widely, and he has been nominated for Poet Laureate of Texas, where he has lived for the last few decades. This episode of Studio Aesculapius is different. Jim reads three poems and has a wide-ranging discussion with co-host, Eddie Dupuy: about the poems, about poetry, about art and activism, about language and knowing and finding patterns, about the human desire to make marks and the attempt to make meaning.

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